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Getting Started

vue-use-form is a composition api form validator for vue, which is inspired by react-hook-form

I love react-hook-form usage, it's simple and efficient


for example, if you want to proxy a form component state in react-hook-form, you just need to write these code simply

Assumed we have an interface

interface Inputs {
  firstname: string

In react-hook-form

import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'

function App() {
  const { register } = useForm<Inputs>()

  return (
    <input {...register('firstName')} />

In vue-use-form,

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useForm } from 'vue-use-form'

const { register } = useForm<Inputs>()

  <input :="register('firstname')">

The usage of vue-use-form is very similar to react-hook-form.vue-use-form inherits its power, flexibility and ease of use.